Featured Footballer – Pete DaPrato

Thanks for checking out our Featured Footballer section, a series of posts we’ll be publishing throughout the 2018 Gaelic football season. Today’s post is about club legend, Pete DaPrato.

Pete DaPrato

Base Stats

Height: 6 Footlong Meatball Subs stacked end to end or 6 feet tall for those bad at math

Weight: 210-225 depending on the day

Nickname: Pistol Pete, The Mustachioed Maestro, The Italian Bernard Brogan

Position: Full Forward

What He’s Drinking: Coke or Vess Orange

Favorite Pizza: Faraci’s is the current number 1. All time favorite is Saulo’s, RIP.

The Life and Insight of a Legend…

On August 29, 1981, one of the greatest players in STLGAC history was born and this is where the legend starts. Some say that Pete was born with a full mustache and sweater on with a slice of St. Louis style pizza in one hand and a crave case in the other while sporting a pair of Adidas Copa Mundials. Pete has been an integral member of this club for over 10 years carrying multiple teams, both in city league and travel, to championships on his broad Italian shoulders. If you needed a goal in a clutch moment, there were two people you could count on for it: Pete and John Behl, who coincidentally recruited Pete into the club. Straight from the legend’s mouth, “I owe it all to John Behl. When I was 18 I whooped him and his buddies in a turkey day football game. Fast forward 7 years and I run into him through my sister. He starts recruiting and I ended up joining for a short winter football season. First game I was put at midfield and asked to mark Dave Roundtree. Five minutes later I was at full forward and have been cherry picking every since!”

Looking back at his numerous accomplishments over the years he says his favorite moment outside of the 2011 Hurling and the 2013 Football National Championships he won, was a hurling match in 2013 against Baltimore. He says of that match, as only he could, “As everyone remembers I had a glorious mustache for that tournament. The Irish fullback on Baltimore did not appreciate my look and spent the entire game calling me every name in the book. I’m talking nasty things.. I didn’t say a word to him then entire game, at least not until after my fifth goal on his pale ass.. We won the game in overtime. I nearly died due to heat stroke and my body still does not cool itself properly. I’m sweating as I type this…” He also adds about the 2013 football team that: “The 2013 football championship was also so amazing. Along with Behl and Sully I was one of the older guys on the team year. Probably the most talented team I ever played on with this club. I think that team could have competed with the teams one or two levels up. We were stacked!”

Pete’s field awareness, durability, and skill set has helped him develop into a scoring machine that few in the club can rival. He uses the 10 steps that the ref usually allows him to his full advantage while careening on the box. Unlike Olympic swimmers who shave their body for speed, Pete embraces his extra layer of wool to burn by defenders leaving numerous rug burns on his way.

About This Season…

This season you can catch Pete on electrifying Ferguson Brewing Co. He is the thunder to the lightning speed of Dr. John Krause where they form a formidable offense for Yellow Gorillas. What he thinks of their season and chances: “Ferguson is looking strong this season. I think we have a real shot to make the championship game and win the cup. Captains drafted a great team. I signed up only planning to play a couple games due to Luca’s soccer but the schedule has worked out pretty favorably for me to make most of the games. Pat’s captains have been running their mouth a little bit, so I’m excited to see how the season shakes out.”


Word from around the club

Tony Cowin, Gaelic Football Trainer

Pete is a one of the toughest players I have seen play this game. I’ve seen him be so dehydrated that he was having whole body cramps and go out and score a hat trick of goals. He is a competitor to the fullest and also a great guy. You won’t hear him talk trash on you during the game as he uses his skills to do his talking.

Check back for more player profiles as the 2018 Gaelic football season rolls on. You can check out our schedule here.

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