Featured Footballer – Bob O’Mahony

Thanks for checking out our Featured Footballer section, a series of posts we’ll be publishing throughout the 2018 Gaelic football season. Today’s post is about club legend, Bob O.

Bob O’Mahony

Bob O staring down a teammate who felt they deserved a pass from him.

Base Stats

Height: 5’6″? 5’7″? Medium?

Weight: Probably a cool 150

Nickname: Bob O

Position: Half-back

Favorite pint: “If it moves, I’ll drink it.”

The man from Cork city…

Bob O came to America sometime in the mid-to-late 20th century after being expelled from his native Ireland because he was having too much craic. He joined our club after some of our members found him wandering around the East St. Louis area looking for a pub. Unfortunately, at the time, he only spoke Irish, but this was okay since most of our footballers don’t talk good anyway and often resort to communicating through signs. To this day no one is actually sure what his real name is, so everyone calls him Bob.

Bob’s been with the club for many years now, through its ups and downs, through fitness and injuries (mostly other players’). He had played some footy in Dublin for Oliver Plunketts GAA and a bit of soccer over there and in the US. Most recently he was on the Ferguson Brewing double-winning team of 2017. A staple half-back on any squad, we’re still not sure if he’s able to see the other players on the field as he has a tendency to run right through them.

He’s not just a solid lad on the field either. Always there to help at events, judging trivia nights, and playing in travel matches, Bob O manages to strike a great balance between our club and his lovely family. Anyone who’s been around the club long enough has met his wonderful wife, Carla, who is responsible for the majority of the great action photos that make their way onto our social media pages. Our club is made better by both of them, and we’re looking forward to getting two new top notch footballers when his two sons are old enough.

Bob O post-match shaking hands with his dejected Cowin Construction opponents

Where to catch him in action this season…

Bob O will be playing on AOH St. Charles during the 2018 Gaelic football season. Expect low scores from their opponents in the coming weeks.

Himself, he thinks the teams are evenly matched, but would venture to say that the team captained by Hallows and Will Stewart will be shit. Those fellas can’t even pick their own dingleberries. They might be the most handsome team though…

Word from around the club

Tony Cowin, Gaelic Football Trainer

Bob exemplifies everything we love about our club members: hard work, tenacity, and a love of the game. He has been a committed member of this club for many years. We wish every member was as dedicated as him.

Scott Stevens, Captain of AOH St. Charles

Five foot nothing, a hundred and nothing, and not one speck of athletic ability in his body. But he is competing with the top Gaelic football program in St. Louis. If I had a daughter I would want her to grow up and be just like Bob.

Sleek and slender with all his hair. He is just the right amount of sex, power, and mystique rolled into one. Every woman’s dream. Every man’s desire.

Check back for more player profiles as the 2018 Gaelic football season rolls on. You can check out our schedule here.

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