Weekly Newsletter 07-17-2017

STLGAC @ STLFC Match Wanna show off some skill in front of a crowd?  Calling all footie players... Please email Gaelic Football trainer for more information on helping out with the half time Demo!!!  gaelic.football@stlgac.com Maybe just help scout out and bring…

Gaelic Football practices starting!

Big week for St. Louis Gaelic football. If you are interested in refereeing this season, we will be having a ref's meeting on Tuesday at 7:30pm in the upstairs room at Pats. We have about 8 refs so you…

Wednesday Hurling Practice

Hurling practice will be held every Wednesday through June on the field behind the tennis courts in Forest Park. Practice starts at 6:00 and goes until dark(or until everyone is tired). Public inquiries are always welcome! New Players are encouraged…

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